On November 2, local time, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the Copernicus Center for Climate Change (C3S), a subsidiary of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), jointly released the State of the Climate in Europe 2021.
The report states that the temperature increase in Europe over the past 30 years is more than twice the global average.
From 1991-2021, European temperatures increase significantly, on average by about 0.5°C per decade.
From 1997-2021, the ice thickness of glaciers decreased by 30 meters.
In 2021, heat-affected weather and climate events cause hundreds of deaths and approximately more than $50 billion in economic losses.
The report notes that climate change, human behavior and other underlying factors are creating the conditions for more frequent, intense and destructive fires in Europe.
As the warming trend continues, abnormally high temperatures, wildfires, floods and other climatic catastrophic events will have an impact on social, economic and ecological systems. (CCTV News)