The formula for calculating the water turnover rate obtained from the study.
It is important to note that in addition to drinking water directly, the human body can also take in a large amount of water during eating and breathing, so the calculated water turnover rate is not the amount of water that needs to be consumed daily.
The human body is constantly taking in and taking out water every day, and the amount of water the body uses each day can be expressed in terms of water turnover (water turnover).
Recently, Science published the largest study to date of the double-labeled water method for measuring human water turnover.
The study included more than 5,600 subjects from 26 countries, ranging in age from 8 to 96 years.
The study found that water turnover rates varied widely among individuals at different life stages, ranging from 1 to 6 liters per day, and there were also a few abnormal individuals who consumed up to 10 liters of water per day.
After further analyzing the factors that may affect water turnover rates, the researchers found that physical activity level (PAL, total energy expenditure/basal energy expenditure) and whether or not one is an athlete had the greatest impact, followed by gender, human development index (HDI, a composite indicator of a country’s expected age of survival, education and economic status) and age.
For example, all other things being equal, the difference in water turnover rates between men and women is about 0.5 liters, and doubling human energy expenditure increases water turnover by about 1 liter.
The researchers developed an equation to calculate the human water turnover rate accordingly and hope that the study will help to more accurately estimate the water intake needs of the population.